
Welcome to iFreeiCloud.co.uk!

We are an online provider of mobile device lookup services, as well as generic checks. We are best recognised for the innovations we create, our world-renowned technology and our industry-leading customer service!

We are based in one of the most commercial cities in the world, London, UK. Development of our site started a few years ago at university and has since become the fastest-growing IMEI Check service in the world, powering tens of millions of repairs and recycles.

You might find our services elsewhere, but you’ll never find a customer service or technological advancement like ours. We work 7 days a week to maintain a supportive, forward-thinking, high-quality service.

IMEI Check Experts

We’ve specialised our site over the years in all sorts of IMEI Check services. If there’s anything you want to know about your device, you’ll find out here…

We can give you all the answers in just a few seconds at a time!


Innovation Leader

We constantly seek feedback from customers and analyse new ways to make your life easier. As of 2019, we’ve released a brand new, modern Client Area, with an incredible advancement in technology that no other website could hope to achieve. iFreeiCloud.co.uk remains a source of so many of the industry standards that exist today!


Lightning Fast Check Tools!

99% of other services on the web that advertise “Instant Delivery” do not actually fulfil their promise (and mostly deliver by email). Our custom IMEI Check web tools will waste no time at all, and deliver your checks as and when you submit them. No redirects.. No email delivery.. No refreshes.. All submitted and delivered from the SAME page!


Revolutionary business tools!

We have invested much of our time in revolutionising the way businesses can integrate our lookup services. We offer two different APIs for DHRU Fusion and for PHP. For all our instant services, customised sample code can be generated to provide a working, out-of-the-box integration.

Our latest, most powerful addition to our site, is Project Zeus. Built upon synchronous processing technology, this tool can process a batch of devices with a capacity of ~500 checks per minute, making it one of the most powerful tools in the industry! Every Zeus order provides a series of advanced export options such as CSV spreadsheets and JSON structures for devs.


100% Automated!

One of our priorities at iFreeiCloud.co.uk is to maintain a 100% automation policy, meaning while our site handles every order and payment on it’s own, we can focus on delivering exceptional customer service!

Although most of our services are instant, we also offer a range of slower services (delivered by email), only because there are certain services which cannot be sourced at such speed, but are still worth the wait. These services are connected to our suppliers through API, meaning you’ll always have a live update about your order, 24/7!



Safe and Secure

As a leading site in the business, we take every measure to ensure the safety of our customers. All information transferred on our server is encrypted with 2 layer SSL for your security. Our site is also scanned for malware and secured on a daily basis by the global leader in web security, SiteLock! Our payment provider, PayPal, provides state-of-the-art security to ensure your personal information is secured while making transactions on our site.

Read Our FAQ’s IMEI Checkers V6 Privacy Policy

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